The PSA Welcomes 30 New Faculty and Lecturers to NJIT
On Thursday, August 29th the PSA participated in the University's Faculty and Lecturer Orientation along with 13 other divisions from across campus. This year's orientation was a new format with groups of 2-3 going from table to table, meeting their new colleagues,...
Space Allocation Study – Administration’s response to PSA concerns
In response to concerns that the PSA raised about the use and placement of infrared sensors, the Administration has redesigned the program. While the Administration will inform employees about the revised program, we note that "under the desk" sensors will...
March 20th 2024 PSA Spring Meet and Greet
On behalf of the PSA Governing Board & Membership Committee, you are invited to the PSA’s Spring Semester Meet & Greet or if your time is limited, Grab & Go!Wednesday, March 20th 2024, anytime between 9:00am-10:30am. Location: Atrium, Campus Center 1st floor.Coffee/Tea and light snacks will be provided.________________________________*You are encouraged...
PSA members ratify the 2023-2027 Tentative Collective Negotiations Agreement
On February 6, 2024, the PSA members concluded a ratification vote for the 2023-2027 Tentative Collective Negotiations Agreement and voted overwhelmingly in favor of it. The Tentative Agreement can be found on our Contracts page.