About the PSA/AAUP

Under public law 303, the Professional  Staff Association (PSA) became the exclusive recognized collective bargaining agent for the faculty and staff at NJIT (formerly Newark College of Engineering) during the fall of 1970. In 1988, the PSA approved the affiliation with the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). We have since been known as the PSA/AAUP or simply the PSA. The PSA represents all tenured and tenure track faculty, University and Sr. University Lecturers, Professors of Practice, Visiting Professors, Professional Staff, Full-time instructors in their adjunct capacity and Academic Administrators, up to Associate Dean with academic rank.

The PSA’s primary roles and responsibilities are to negotiate your terms and conditions of employment and uphold the collective bargaining agreement that was negotiated by the PSA and the NJIT Administration and ultimately voted on and approved by the PSA Membership and the appropriate members of the administration.

The PSA is governed by its elected Officers and Governing Board. The Officers and Governing Board are your peers across campus and they volunteer their time an effort for the good of the PSA, Academia and NJIT. The PSA employs staff, legal counsel and other necessary resources to provide advice and assist with the overall operation of the PSA. 

All employees in PSA Bargaining unit positions are eligible to become MEMBERS of the PSA.  Membership is strongly encouraged. Only MEMBERS have a voice on matters that directly pertain to your terms and conditions of employment. If you would like additional information about membership you can, click here, or contact the PSA office for clarification or to determine your membership status.